Pamela Clayfield
Because Everyone has a story to tell...
Pamela Clayfield
Because Everyone has a story to tell...

Pamela the Author and Instructor
Pamela the Author and Instructor
Besides writing and photography she enjoys reading, swimming, walking on the beach at the trailer and watching movies.
Twenty years have passed since I first put pen to paper and hand wrote my first novel. Times and technologies have changed in that short time and so has my preference for writing!
When I spoke in my daughter's class in the spring of 2010, I discovered a great need: the need for creative writing classes in this area. When I asked the class who wanted to write a book, the show of hands blew me away. More than half wanted to write a book or write for a newspaper at some point in their lives. I initially developed the Kids R Write curriculum which has evolved tremendously and now...
Writing workshops are available for everyone starting as young as 10 years old.
Pamela lives in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada with her daughter and close to her parents and brothers.
She started writing in 2001 and has a diploma and BA in Creative Writing as well as a diploma in Photography.
She has gone on to write articles for websites and is now a staff writer/reporter for the Waterloo Region Rural Post, a new local newspaper where she writes articles as well as serial fiction.
Besides writing and photography she enjoys reading, swimming, walking on the beach at the trailer and watching movies.